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sleeperstyle 05-11-2006 04:48 PM

me vs. myself on the bottle, then vs. a cop. kind of funny
my area sucks lately, can't get a race to save my life :bang: :bang: . i've had a full bottle for 2 weeks now, nothing to use it on- so i decided to just go out and have some fun!

about 3 spray runs later i pull over to fix my solenoid-mounting plate (throttle was hanging up on it) and then i pull out of the parking lot i stopped in. RIGHT in front of a cop.

didn't know it was a cop at first, thought it was just somebody riding my ass in a rush so i sped up to about 10mph over the limit (common courtesy if nobody else is on the road imho). he flips on the lights and pulls me over.

cop- (walking up to car making sound effects) psshhhhhhht psshhhhhhht (imitating the purge) :jest: :devil:

me - (thinking OH FUCK!)

cop- is there something wrong with your exhaust? (im running open cutout)

me- uh, err, no?

cop- where you going?

me- home

cop- well do you think you can make it there safely keeping the contents of that nitrous oxide container inside of it?

me- yes sir.

cop- (walks away)

:eek2: :eek2: :) i was shitting myself. i guess he was near me when i did one of the runs or purged it, dunno. close call!

about 3 minutes later i made another 0-100mph spray run and went home :jest:

B.W. 05-11-2006 05:01 PM

good kill

2000 SILVERADO 05-11-2006 05:03 PM

You should consider yourself very lucky.

Good kill.
Edit: B.W. beat me to it. :bang:

Vcious04 05-11-2006 05:06 PM

They don't make cops like that around here. :judge:

V-seriesTech 05-11-2006 05:13 PM

Originally Posted by sleeperstyle
my area sucks lately, can't get a race to save my life :bang: :bang: . i've had a full bottle for 2 weeks now, nothing to use it on- so i decided to just go out and have some fun!

about 3 spray runs later i pull over to fix my solenoid-mounting plate (throttle was hanging up on it) and then i pull out of the parking lot i stopped in. RIGHT in front of a cop.

didn't know it was a cop at first, thought it was just somebody riding my ass in a rush so i sped up to about 10mph over the limit (common courtesy if nobody else is on the road imho). he flips on the lights and pulls me over.

cop- (walking up to car making sound effects) psshhhhhhht psshhhhhhht (imitating the purge) :jest: :devil:

me - (thinking OH FUCK!)

cop- is there something wrong with your exhaust? (im running open cutout)

me- uh, err, no?

cop- where you going?

me- home

cop- well do you think you can make it there safely keeping the contents of that nitrous oxide container inside of it?

me- yes sir.

cop- (walks away)

:eek2: :eek2: :) i was shitting myself. i guess he was near me when i did one of the runs or purged it, dunno. close call!

about 3 minutes later i made another 0-100mph spray run and went home :jest:

Thats awesome man. Lucky fucker.

hurley_21_07 05-11-2006 09:29 PM

Sounds like a cop that likes fast cars. Not many like that.:D


CuNfUzEd 05-11-2006 09:33 PM

Man I love to hear about cops like that. I ran into a off duty HI-PO that heard my car pull up. He asked if I would take him for a ride in it. He told me not to worry he had his get out of jail free card with him. I told the guy tell me when to stop. I pulled out of it before he said anything. Good kill.

wickedwarlock 05-12-2006 06:46 AM

I find that the middle aged guys are down to earth. 30-40s cops. The young ones and the old ones seem to me to be the worse. I mean, the young ones, power goes to the head. The older ones, mid-life crisis, rofl. This is general speaking of course, so make no assumptions. :jest:

89tang 05-12-2006 08:16 AM

That's awesome

I had a cool cop pull me over in my mustang last year. There was a stop light and to the left was a dark parkinglot, i was in the near lane to the parking lot to the right was a red 04 GTO lined up with me. The light goes green and i mashed it tires screaming through 1st........then 2nd........finally i hit third and let off the speed limit was 35mph i'm sure i was up to atleast 40-45mph up ahead i seen a cop in another parking lot, i thought haha f'er you didn't see me do that but i'm sure you heard me :jest: . Little did i know there was a cop in that dark parking lot off the the left of that light that watched me do my whole little show for that GTO lol. He pulled me over walks up and goes

Him "so what do you have done to this thing to make it do that"
Me "Just about everything you can think of short of a S/C" (no blower last year)
Him "What exactly were you thinking did you not see me"
Me " Well there was a GTO right beside me and no i didn't see you"

He takes my license and stuff and walks back to his car. I'm thinking GREATTT i'm gonna get owned by this cop not only was that wreckless opp. but god only know's what other laws i broke in that 60 foot of pavement. He comes back

Him "You had any tickets in the last year"
Me "No"
Him "Ok gonna let you go with a warning, you know the police department built a race car to run at the track you should go up there sometime keep that kinda stuff you done on the track. Or atleast don't do it infront of me cause that means i gotta pull you over."
Me "Are you shitting me"
Him "No just be more careful, have a nice day"

I said thanks about a million times and waved an left lol, i took the car home for the rest of the night.

BLKWS.6 05-12-2006 09:38 AM

haha, wow

Reject 05-12-2006 10:39 AM

fkk! lucky punk!! i just squel my tires alttle and get a damn ticket, owell!! lol

that cop is fkking crazy going pssht psssht lol love it

slowmofo 05-12-2006 11:41 AM

Originally Posted by sleeperstyle

cop- well do you think you can make it there safely keeping the contents of that nitrous oxide container inside of it?

LMAO Best part!!

CharlieCobra03 05-12-2006 11:42 AM

We used to have the locals roll through, check out the cars and BS with us til some moron from Seattle decided to smoke a blunt in front of the cameras. Now we're back in Burlington where the cops are D!CKS with a capital D.

Chris95Z 05-12-2006 11:56 AM

Cool story, nice to see you got off so easily.

jbusmc1986 05-12-2006 12:25 PM

thats awesome... I have never met a cop who was that cool, other than my dad

sleeperstyle 05-12-2006 05:49 PM

well don't get it wrong, what he said was cool- but his demeanor was asshole-ish. not like he was smiling about the whole ordeal. but yeah the minute i pulled over i closed the bottle (for what i don't know, hopefully to lie and say it wasn't open so i wasn't using it :jest: ).

i've been let off numerous times, all because the cop liked my car. i've also been popped a ton of times, depends on the cop

another notable time (since we are on the subject) was after a car show i was lined up against a c5 z06 at a light. the driver of the z06 didn't look at me, so thought it would be a good idea to show him how my car launched :bang: . i look up after i launch and see a cop coming the other way. i just let off and pulled into the gas station in front of me and waited for the cop.

sure enough he turned around and pulled in after me. he didn't even get out of his car. i appologised and he didn't even scold me or anything, once i told him i was coming from the car show he started talking to me about the cars there, and his favorite there which was an older ss camaro :devil:. then said how there are too many old people that go to the shows and told me to have a nice night!

brad8266 05-12-2006 09:11 PM

Thats funny :jest: Like those damn philly cops I got busted at the races on front st when I was 17 with no refgistration or Ins on the car and they let me ride home and told me not to come back.

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