Drunken Camaro Driver Meets Idiot Pickup Truck Driver

Drunken Camaro Driver Meets Idiot Pickup Truck Driver

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Driving on the highway is dangerous, especially when the road has to be shared with big rigs carrying tons of cargo. It’s a great time to sit back, try to relax, and just let other drivers do what they’re going to do.

However, if you’re either the Camaro driver or the GM pickup driver in this video, you didn’t do that and as a result you caused an accident and ruined a semi truck driver’s day.

To recap the video, the driver of the Camaro attempts to cut off the pickup truck driver so he can overtake the semi and continue on his way. However, his judgement is a bit lacking, because he doesn’t have a driver’s license and he’s drunk. Combined with some poor visibility out of the rear of a Camaro, and the dude nearly runs the pickup truck driver off the road.

The pickup truck driver accelerates like he’s going to overtake the semi truck. The Camaro falls in behind, and riding a bit too close to the truck’s tailgate. But here’s where the pickup truck driver goes Full Moron and paces the semi truck, blocking the Camaro from passing.

Frustrated, the Camaro driver attempts to do something even stupider yet, and passes on the left shoulder. He loses control of the Camaro, again because he’s an unlicensed drunk, and sideswipes the pickup truck. They both crash into the semi truck and all three vehicles are forced off the road.


The driver of the Camaro was charged for not having a license and driving aggressively while drunk. The pickup truck driver was uncharged, but in my opinion if you’re intentionally blocking someone, you’re creating a hazard to others and should also have your butt in jail with the Camaro driver.

The loser here is the semi truck driver who was just trying to do his job.

What do you think? Let us know in the forums!

via [KHOU]

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