Five Spirited LS Grudge Matches: Track Time Tuesday Presented by Yokohama Tire’s ADVAN APEX

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Modded Versus Stock 

Pontiac drag

In this race, a 2000 cam only LS1 Pontiac Firebird Formula (pictured above) facing off with a 2006 stock LS2 Pontiac GTO. We have to say that this lesser-seen clip from Philip Portanova is great–you can really feel (and hear) that LS1 from the in-cabin camera.

Longtime automotive journalist S.J. Bryan has been covering the automotive industry for over five years and is an editor with Ford Truck Enthusiasts and regular contributor to F-150 Online, Harley-Davidson Forums, and The Mustang Source, among other popular auto sites.

Bryan first discovered her passion for all things automotive while riding in her parent's 1968 Ford Mustang. The automotive expert cut her teeth growing up riding on Harleys, and her first car was a Chevy Nova. Despite her lead foot, Bryan has yet to receive a speeding ticket.

The award-winning former playwright was first published at age 18. She has worked extensively as a writer and editor for a number of lifestyle and pop culture publications. The diehard gearhead is a big fan of American muscle cars, sixth-gen Ford trucks, and Oxford commas.

S.J. can be reached at

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