WTF! Not the Camaro Surprise You Want to Find.

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You know that great moment when you buy a new car, get it home and just stare at it? Everyone does this am I right? It’s just fun looking over your new toy. At least that’s what the guy who posted this next video thought.

What happened was that he was going through his new Camaro, and found a switch and a key fob. Having already been given the cars Chevy key fob, and the switch being inside the cup holder, the new owner was understandably confused at what these two things did. First he tried the switch, which activated a set of green LED’s from under the hood. These made the top of the hoods grill glow.

To add insult to injury, the new owner then decided he needed to know what the key fob did, and well, things didn’t exactly go the way he wanted them to go. Essentially, he bought a riced out Camaro SS. SURPRISE!

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