Conversation Between sw07gt and BrdOPry
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 1 of 1
  1. BrdOPry
    12-13-2010 09:07 PM
    Dude, for how much you talk others car down, and not even having a car or anything in your sig. is pretty upsetting. especially when you dont know the situations in life someone is going through, being 19, having both parents terminally ill, and also making most the bills for my parents ON TOP of going to school full time. So next time you decide to start bad-mouthing someone who didn't offend you, or bad mouth you or your things, think twice about things going on that aren't public. Next time someone that you offend might not be so nice, especially if its online and not in a forum, pretty cowardly to say these things over a keyboard.

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