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T/AFOSTERWS6 11-09-2005 09:18 PM

nagging neighbors
I have them too, I figure if I keep up the noise eventually the bell-tones short out and they cant hear shit!, or give them something else to bitch about, put for sale signs up in their yards. :lurk:

FoxTa 11-09-2005 09:41 PM

me and my brother had the same problem on our street. people automatically think that if a car is loud going down the road its speeding, when in reality its the assholes in quiet cars and all you hear is the wooooosh.

ooo and we put free kittens or puppies signs in their front yards.

NassyVette 11-09-2005 10:59 PM

I get the same thing from some jag off down the street who feels the need to yell, "slow down dickhead" out of his garage as I idle by. I called his ass out on it and nearly got into a brawl. Some people.... It's realy frustrating when you go out of your way to drive civily through your neighborhood and still get flack from losers with nothing better to do than act stupid.

I believe the best attitude in these situations is "F*CK 'EM". You can't argue with ignorant people. They'll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.

Schantin 11-09-2005 11:35 PM

Wow...It thought I was the only one with no-talent-ass-clowns for neighbors :rolleyes: . The F'ers that moved next to me called the police when my wife started our 02 Z28 one afternoon. Didn't even drive the car....just started it while I was on a business trip. Heaven forbid.! It does have a TR224 cam and LT's....and TWO CATS AND A FULL CATBACK. Hardly loud by anyone's standards. Same bastards called the police again and said we were beating our kids because my son was crying.... so.....

There's better things you can do besides moving or doing a burnout in their lawn. I'm building a legal case that my neighbors are creating a "hostile living environment" to have THEM removed from the neighborhood. :D Yes, do your homework and it works both ways.

Anyhow, feel your pain bro. I believe jealousy is what fuels most of it.

2000Hawk 11-09-2005 11:44 PM

Man the neighbors you guys got really suck. My neighbors really don't mine, and my car is pretty loud (mods in sig) theres times in the morning if my dad moves my car, when it cranks i hear shit rattling in my room. And down the street little kids are always playing in the middle of the street, when i pass by they move out of the way and i just give them a small rev and they love it. Now if you live in a community with an association then that sucks for you. Because old people want their peace and quiet and will bitch for about anything. I had to pick up my grandmother and the only complaint she had about my car was that its alittle low(when its reallt stock height). I say fuck 'em, get cut-outs when the old lady comes out open them and just give it a nice rev and make her have a heart attack.

joblo1978 11-10-2005 12:16 AM

They're not cops so fuck 'em! It's not like it's constant noise over an extended period of time they're having to deal with. Tell them to get bent! I wouldn't give it a second thought if I were you. They're just jealous that they dont' have a cool whip. Fuckin' haters! Go over the homeowners association guidelines or whatever and see if they really have anything to be bitching about.

ls1408cp 11-10-2005 01:08 AM

I had problems with my neighbors for little nosies. So i brought my fountain (powerboat) home and started that for awhile after that my little noises didnt seem like much.
I also a long time ago had lady yelling at me for driving to fast. The car had a big convertor in it so it was always noisy. So I stopped and said you want me to drive fast and laid the longest blacks makes I could probley 200 feet screw them.

franny40 11-10-2005 01:17 AM

fuck i get woken up by the landscapers with their mowers and trimmers damn near every day, i dont bitch about that do i . you have shitty ass neighbors.

JRracing 11-10-2005 07:05 AM

I say fuck them also. Tell them if they don't like it then they need to buy your house back off of you! :devil:

orangeapeel 11-10-2005 07:52 AM

I have gotten the slow down thing before, and the guy even walked out in front of me. I gave him the whole I was going slower than the speed limit bit, because there were freaking kids everywhere... but, he thought that he would be a smart ass, and say "I have a 7 second El Camino...I know what 20 miles an hour is and that is not it." The greatest part about him saying that is 3 days later he asks my friend's Dad to borrow an entire set of sockets and his torque wrenches....Who owns a 7 second car and doesnt have any tools to work on the damn thing? This guy was first class white trash by the way so he was total bull. I would lay down the pinks on him if he does that crap to me one more time!

RevGTO 11-10-2005 08:02 AM

I guess I'm lucky - I live in an association neighborhood - sometimes people will joke about hearing me coming and that's about it. But on the side street out of my neighborhood, I sometimes get disapproving glances as if they think I'm speeding. I can imagine trying to explain that "it's an auditory illusion based on the fact that my stall converter allows my engine to spin up faster than the car gains speed." Yea, right.

speedo 11-10-2005 08:07 AM

I haven't had any isssues yet, but I know the neighbors talk about my car being loud when I come home at midnight or sometimes 3am when I work late, girlfriend said the whole townhouse shakes when I pull in but nothing has been said to me yet....I am waiting for it however...

Like the thread said only drive mine once every two weeks maybe....

Neighbors suck anyway in my opinion. :moon:

GotV-8 11-10-2005 08:13 AM

Ask them if they want to push your car out of the hood before you start it. That will help :D

scrmnws6 11-10-2005 09:03 AM

I have only driven my car three times this year. Even when the car is sitting in the driveway under a car cover, I get neighbors that give me that look.

Every time I pull up to the house with the Sierra, stock, and when I back into the driveway both the husband and wife look at me that I am getting too close to their mailbox and as if I am going to hit it. I am staying on the road, which is a public road.

I remember when I would drive the Formula a lot more, they would always call the cops on me. I would drive into the driveway with the Formula, pop the hood, check something, and two squad cars would drive by really slow past my house and then speed up past it.

I know it was them calling the cops on me because my other neighbor talks to them once in a while and he told me.

So yesterday when I took the car into storage, I opened the exhaust cutouts, and did a huge burnout in front of their house and left some long tire marks. This was around 8:30 pm, so it wasnt too late.

GTO_Scott 11-10-2005 09:05 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Just tell them it's all about decoration and that your exhaust is like an alarmclock. They should be up cooking breakfast for somebody.

dlmater 11-10-2005 09:30 AM

When I was in high school (1980), I had an old (years and condition) Chevy pickup with a built 283, solid lifter race cam, headers with 12" Thrush glasspacks bolted directly to the headers, no pipes whatsoever. The words loud and obnoxious do not adequately describe the spectacle. I always left early in the morning. We (my Dad really) had a few complaints and he just ignored them. A few weeks after I left for College, Neighbors across the street came over and asked my Dad where I had gone. They were upset that for the first time in two years they had to use their alarm clock. :jest: They told my Dad they would just giggle and laugh to themselves when I would wake the neighborhood up coming home late or leaving early. They loved it!

You know, some people live life and enjoy it to the fullest, regardless. Others just complain about those of us who do.

1 last 1 11-10-2005 09:56 AM

I don't have a problem with any of my neighbors, but when going over to my fiances apartment thats another story.

One time while coming back to her apartment after dinner probably around 9 or so on a weekend night, I am backing in to her apartment and I see a flash. Its her neighbors taking a picture of my car from their porch, i'm like WTF. Anyway they complain, turn the picture in to the management staff (what the picture proves i don't know :confused: ) and needless to say that is the last time I ride in the complex with my cutout open.

So now when i pull in to the apartments I back into the slot right by their windows, car is still loud as shit with the cutout closed. :bigun2:

Zymosis 11-10-2005 09:58 AM

So you think its bad that you move into a new neighborhood and people complain. I have lived in my house for 8 years now, and just 3 months ago a new guy moved into the same circle. Funny thing, he thinks he has the right to be pissed at me, yet I have never gone above 2500 rpm anywhere near my house. It gets better, one day I'm walking across the circle, he flys in at 40 mph, doesnt slow down for me, at the last second turns hard away, honks and revs his HONDUHHHH engine. How immature.

J E T 11-10-2005 10:01 AM

If they don't like noise, then I would do some yard work around the house for like 1/2 a day. I'd turn on the chain saw, have the wife turn on the leaf blower & weed wacker, have the son turn on the lawn mower. I'd also have one of those loud speaker microphones and I'd be giving loud orders to my wife and son to tell them what to do around the yard. See if they like that loudness. :jest: Then after the yard work is all done, I'd start up the Camaro and take it for a spin and rev going by her house. She don't like it, I don't care. :) I hate bitchy neighbors.

bigman 11-10-2005 10:08 AM

Fuck That. If i pay a quarter of a million dollars or more on a house, no one and i mean no one is going to tell me what i can and cant do as long as i am reasonable. I never understand why people move into these communities when the people living in them are complete jerks.

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