Rating Summary
04-14-2008, 10:18 PM
I traded him my 06 5.3.
It included crank, mains, LS2 GTO pistons/rings and LS2 rods.

I was promised a 6L short block. I was supposed to include, pistons/rings, rods, crank, and mains. Everything a short block would have.

When I showed up, he did not have the pistons/rings or the rods. He told me that he gets all kinds of deals from his friends at a dealer, and would keep in touch. I have sent several PMs, phone calls, and text messages, and I have heard nothing.

I would like to have pistons/rings with rods as promised, cash back, . . . or have what I traded returned to me.

04-21-2008, 08:37 PM
still waiting . . .

06-17-2008, 10:31 PM
here's a little update:
Originally Posted by Tootall
me the jackass . . . nice

you're the one who ignored me for a month until I started dropping in on you
the you lied more about being able to get parts after you screwed the guys at the dealer on parts or something - who knows.
you lied about being at work several times, when you're really at home on your ass, I had to just drop by
there's no way in hell that you still have 2 jobs. You might have at one point
you're the guy who left it out and in the open in the back of your truck
you're the one who promised to get it cleaned with in 2-4 something days - didn't happen

you've obviously have done this a handful of times, and you still haven't learned a thing.

Originally Posted by THE RED "BLUR"-408
thanks jackass i just got all that shit cleaned for nothing

Originally Posted by Tootall
I'll keep what I have then.

Originally Posted by THE RED "BLUR"-408
i dont want this shit i want my stuff back if your not going to bring me my stuff back then im selling this shit it is no use to me i gave you the chance to come get your stuff back you dont want them thats fine im done with you keep that stuff do what you want with it im selling this stuff im not giving you no money cause i gave you the chance to come get your old stuff back you dont want to come get it thats your problem there is no negotiating cause i dont want this i want my block and stuff i gave you back.

Originally Posted by Tootall
Originally Posted by THE RED "BLUR"-408
dude where are my parts at? you ignore all my text messages and calls. First you bitch about wanting your parts now i have them ready and now you dont show i need my parts now. I need to get my car sold and to do that i need ALL of my parts not just some all of them. If you dont have my all my parts here tomorrow im boreing the block and selling it and just find some other stuff.

"Dude where are my parts?" HAHA You're really something.

You do realize that this started back in March right. Once we settled on returning parts to each other, you dragged your feet for forever. I would call, and text and you'd never answer. If you did return a text, you'd say that you're at work. So I'd call BS, drive by your house, and what do you know. YOU ARE HOME.
You constatly lied about when the "sand blasted" block and crank would be ready.

It's gotten old. Someone else would have kicked the shit out of your lieing ass a long time ago.

I had no idea about the broken bolt in the crank. I tested it before it left, but like you said, I used the one that I took out, and it was already damaged.

so here's the deal. You have a block that needs to be bored to use the pistons that I gave you in the deal. I recently found the original 5.3 pistons that were originally in the 5.3.
I want the 5.7 pistons and rods that you have, and I'll give you the 5.3 pistons and a good crank that I have already paid to have checked. This way you'll have a block that doesn't need to be bored at all and it's good to go. It's the cheaper way to get your car running.

I didn't change my mind until this after noon. I got home after work and loaded everything up. Once I saw the rain coming I unloaded all the parts again. I didn't ignore your messages this afternoon, I was too busy unloading everything so that it wouldn't get wet

This is gone on too long. I'm no longer open to returning all of your parts that were in the swap. I'm sticking by my first offer.

I want:
-money for pistons + rods + rings
-the old pistons + rods + rings that were part of my original deal
- or the LQ9 pistons + rods + rings that you originally said that you had.

06-23-2008, 11:54 AM
I tried to get all my parts back to you cause thats what you wanted now you dont wana give me my parts back and thats fine ill just sell all this stuff caus ei have no need for it.

06-23-2008, 12:00 PM
I have tried to give you these parts back for 3 weeks they got cleaned and sand blasted and now all of a sudden you dont want them back dont be posting bad feed back when your the one that wont give me my stuff back. And the crank you gave me was a bad crank and the crank bolt was stripped. The pistons were not LS2 they were LS1 pistons. But its ok you can tlak all the shit you want ill just sell all this stuff im not mad you wana screw me over thats fine, post all the negative comments you want cause i gave you more then any other person would haver given you for what you gave me. I gave this guy a 6.0 block, timing chain, LS6 oil pump, LS6 cam, front and rear covers, LS2 lifters and vally trays, and a crank, thats more then enough and you bitch about pistons i never said i had whatever dude im not mad at all ill just sell this shit and but more stuff.

06-23-2008, 02:48 PM
sure you traded me all of those extra parts that I didn't need. I said that I would take whatever you were giving away. You gave me those for free. I stated that I needed the pistons and rods, and you aggreed that you would come up with the parts. You had some contact/friend at Sand Dollar (chevy dealer), and that it would be easy.

I followed up with you for the next few weeks, and you ignored me. I finally went to your house and started naging you.

You later say that you can't get the pistons that you promised, and that your soultion was to return everything that was part of the trade. I was ok with that until I saw my 5.3 block. It had been sitting in the back of your truck for 4+ weeks. I asked to have the block and crank cleaned up, and you said that there was no problem with that. Some 2-3 weeks later, you send me a text saying that it's ready. I said that I'd like to come by and check it out, and you make excuses that you're at work or something about a second job. - not even true. . . . I drive by your place, and your truck is there, along with my old setup still sitting in the back of the truck.
This goes on for a while, - meaning I drop in after you said that you were not home at the time, or you're at work, or you're somewhere else. . .

fast forward to recent.

My block/crank has been sand blasted free of rust and whatever funk has been in the back of your truck. It's now "spot-less" as you said. I get there and it's far from it. It looked like someone had wiped it down and that was it. All of the polished surfaces were now like sand paper. The once clean cam bearings are gritty, the cylinders are now sandy line the beach, and the crank, it now needs to be turned to be cleaned up.


When I traded my parts to this guy, I had no idea that the crank bolt was broken off on the inside. I was totally aware of the frozen crank bolt, and I let the buyer know this before he bought it. He was there just as I got the bolt out. I removed it, and rechecked it. but I did reuse the same bolt, and it went in just fine. I'll owe up to this part, I had no idea about it.


I "now" have no intentions of returning the buyers parts back to him. My parts that were traded to him are no where in the condition that they were given to him in.

The pistons and rods that were traded to him were out of an 03-04 5.7 GTO. The seller that I bought them from, is in my trader feed back.

06-23-2008, 02:51 PM

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