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01WS6/tamu 09-19-2007 05:40 PM

Yeah I have never been so much as a day late on the child support stuff. They don't mess around the dead beat dads get away with it but I'm not that guy. I make a three hour one way trip every weekend to get my daughter and I have her any time I am not in school. I try not to rock the boat because until now we have been able to keep everything on an even and amicable keel so to speak. The more you can keep the govt out of stuff like this the better of you are. It;s just times here and there it gets touchy.

s10blaza 09-19-2007 06:01 PM

Wow, sounds just like what the doctor ordered. I was diagnosed with a pretty bad case of ADHD and was on ritalin for a year or two. I honestly feel that's what allowed me to graduate high school. I stopped taking it and flunked out of college. Who the hell can I go see about finding out if this could be beneficial for me? I'm about to start school again in the spring next year and I'd like to finish it this time.

aggiez28 09-19-2007 06:16 PM

In my opinion my daughter is fine, she has her spells but this diagnosis came from a general practioner in our area.
you never said what she was diagnosed with... you only mentioned what was perscribed. I am assuming it was ADD or ADHD.

Like others have mentioned, I would talk to a specialist. There are lots of good drugs out there that can help people a lot. They also seem to hand them out like candy w/o much testing :(

_Zac 09-19-2007 06:23 PM

Everyone has ADHD.. It's called being human, get used to it and if you find yourself having problems concentrating CONCENTRATE!! lol

QUICK305 09-19-2007 10:06 PM

Adderall is prescription crystal meth. I wouldn't give to a 7 year old. Sounds like some of you in are denial about your addiction. TEX02SS?

"Usually you will experience a 'high' when you first take it--it's almost euphoric. This is why it is sometimes taken recreationally. It will usually even out thereafter and then trail off as the drug exits your system. This is usually followed by a 'downer' episode where you feel drained, and possibly tired, moody etc. It also can decrease or suppress your appetite. That is a case-by-case basis though. It did not really alter mine at all. "

QUICK305 09-19-2007 10:13 PM

Let me follow up my last post by stating that I'm not trying indicate anyone is "wrong" for taking it. Lord knows I've done my share of experimentation. I just don't think this should be given to a child.

red90cobra 09-20-2007 06:59 AM

damn i need to get some adderall next time I'm going back to school. sounds like it would of helpped me graduate college by now.

TEX02SS 09-20-2007 08:28 AM

Originally Posted by QUICK305
Adderall is prescription crystal meth. I wouldn't give to a 7 year old. Sounds like some of you in are denial about your addiction. TEX02SS?

"Usually you will experience a 'high' when you first take it--it's almost euphoric. This is why it is sometimes taken recreationally. It will usually even out thereafter and then trail off as the drug exits your system. This is usually followed by a 'downer' episode where you feel drained, and possibly tired, moody etc. It also can decrease or suppress your appetite. That is a case-by-case basis though. It did not really alter mine at all. "

I was just trying to let the original poster know what it is like. I am not addicted by any means. I only take it turing the week which, by the way, is irrelevant.

onebadblackz 09-20-2007 09:31 AM

i had to take it when I was younger it sucks ass. the down time is terrible you go through anger and different moods quickly. It may effect different people differently though, but my grades got a little better when I finally quit taking it and got help after school by the teacher my grades were the same as taking adderall. If it was me I wouldn't put my child on it.

96ta 09-20-2007 11:46 AM

Originally Posted by 01WS6/tamu
Well it is a long story which I will be happy to share but as it says. My ex called me today out of nowhere and informed me they are going to put my daughter on it without the common courstesy of a phone call before hand to ask my opinion. They said they would start with 10Mg and go from there and observe her over the course of a month. This same quack also prescribed it to her other 5 year old if you see where I am coming from. She has five other kids so I see where this is going. In my opinion my daughter is fine, she has her spells but this diagnosis came from a general practioner in our area. I feel as though something as important as this needs deeper investigation and to be prescribed and observed by a specialist in the field. I am involved in the school district but not one she is in and have not had time tonight to talk with our diagnostician to see what the exact steps are. If you have a few minutes please talk with me about this. If you do not want to post here pm me. At this point I am beside myself and not sure what to do. It's times like this i am glad I have stayed single to this point. My daughter is seven
Thanks one upset dad!!!@

first of all i would like to point out that i have a.d.d. was diagnosed with it before i was in grade school and im 23 now. anywho ive been on ritalin, and concerta. i had a brother who was on adderall as well. i was diagnosed first off by a doctor specializing in chemical disorders because thats what it is( you lack a chemical in the brain which causes the acting out, inability to focus). you can also take her to a psychiatrist(sp) there is a long debate about whether a.d.d. is a chemical disorder or mental disorder. also a.d.d. is hereditary through the male genes so if you have then you there is a better chance you daughter may have it. adderall is a very strong drug it is also narcotic. so i would suggest concerta its time released and you only it take once a day.

96ta 09-20-2007 11:49 AM

Originally Posted by s10blaza
Wow, sounds just like what the doctor ordered. I was diagnosed with a pretty bad case of ADHD and was on ritalin for a year or two. I honestly feel that's what allowed me to graduate high school. I stopped taking it and flunked out of college. Who the hell can I go see about finding out if this could be beneficial for me? I'm about to start school again in the spring next year and I'd like to finish it this time.

i highly doubt you have adhd because it isnt something that every goes away you learn how to deal with it and work around it but it doesnt go away

s10blaza 09-20-2007 12:06 PM

Originally Posted by 96ta
i highly doubt you have adhd because it isnt something that every goes away you learn how to deal with it and work around it but it doesnt go away

I never said it went away and don't even think about trying to tell me what I have or don't have :)

onebadblackz 09-21-2007 12:12 AM

Originally Posted by 96ta
first of all i would like to point out that i have a.d.d. was diagnosed with it before i was in grade school and im 23 now. anywho ive been on ritalin, and concerta. i had a brother who was on adderall as well. i was diagnosed first off by a doctor specializing in chemical disorders because thats what it is( you lack a chemical in the brain which causes the acting out, inability to focus). you can also take her to a psychiatrist(sp) there is a long debate about whether a.d.d. is a chemical disorder or mental disorder. also a.d.d. is hereditary through the male genes so if you have then you there is a better chance you daughter may have it. adderall is a very strong drug it is also narcotic. so i would suggest concerta its time released and you only it take once a day.

I was diagnosed with adhd before i was in school as well and concerta is by far the best way to go. ritalin and adderall are stong and drop you like a rock when they release. the concerta is time release as stated above and is better, and believe it or not but ritalin will stunt your growth if taken over a long period of time.

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