1,000 Horsepower Cadillac CTS-V from Driver POV – Oh the Sound!

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Car videos can be muddied up with endless banter, overly complicated cuts, and tireless loops of “boots and cats” house music – the sound track for the soulless. The deep rumbles of an adequately displaced V-8 with a supercharger whine that crescendos in time with RPMs is music to our ears. It’s a noise that just about any enthusiast can appreciate, really, if you call yourself one.

Enter this video from Vehicle Virgins. A second generation, 2009 Cadillac CTS-V is shown mainly from the driver’s point of view blasting down some empty, wintry roads. The creator of the video states in the title that the sedan has 1,000 horsepower and we’re inclined to believe him.


What pushes us over the edge and into our own personal nirvana is that this car has a six-speed manual transmission. The only thing keeping this CTS-V from unicorn-status is its lacking of a rear hatch. We do wish it were a wagon, but alas, it is not.

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