What a 3200 Horsepower Shot of Nitrous Looks Like!

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Ever wondered what the spray pattern of several thousand horsepower worth of nitrous oxide looked like? Well, wonder no more, because here’s a look at a 3200-shot of nitrous and really, words just don’t do it justice!

Honestly, it engulfs the table just before freezing it and looks like it could deplete a 10-pound bottle in a matter of seconds. There’s enough N20 in this video to get an entire town giggling and still blow the rods out of every motor in town too. Enjoy the show!

*Some have suggested it might be C02 instead of N20, but either way, it’s a big shot of something! What do you think? The table even freezes!

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[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QLyYZSLqzFA&w=600&h=338]

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