BLAM: Camaro Annihilates Differential

BLAM: Camaro Annihilates Differential

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This Fourth-Gen Camaro scatters its rear end all over the drag strip with a hard launch. This is some Top Fuel-caliber carnage in a doorslammer.

If you hang around a drag strip long enough, you’ll see some gnarly breakage. Engine blocks spouting holes, the occasional fireball out the carb, etc. But this differential explosion comes from another level.

Urban Hillbilly Videos caught this fourth-gen Camaro spraying its rear end all over the Ozark Raceway Park like it had wolfed down gas-station burritos for several hours. Maybe nothing is quite as bad as that kind of emission.

Chevrolet Camaro Differential Explosion

However, when this white Camaro tries to leave, it leaves the differential — all of it — over the first 20 feet of the right lane. That includes the housing and most of the gearsets, all churned into tiny pieces while the driveshaft bounces along in the gear-oil slick.

The owner can probably look at this one of a couple ways:

  1. Man, that really sucks. I spent a lot of money and something just the blew the hell up. Now I’m out all of that money.
  2. Man, that was awesome! Go big or go home! I was on my way through a sweet wheelstand when the rear end shrapneled! At least I know what went wrong.

Obviously, we favor point-of-view #2. Even if there hadn’t been great video, the owner would have photos for the non-believers. And hopefully, he keeps some of the carnage as, to borrow a phrase, sacrifices to the speed gods.

We suspect the track operators were less than enthused by this, but at least they only needed to mop up a few feet. The driver also noticed the problem right away (shocking, we know) and pulled right out of the groove. That’s a good reminder that if you ever suspect something is wrong on the drag strip, slow down and pull to the side.

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