Cleaner Rather Than Later

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Cleaner Rather Than Later

Batman says, “Be careful with that hose!”
Photo by Sh4rp_i through a Creative Commons licensed from Flickr.

If there’s one thing we can all agree on, it’s that the subject of washing your car can create a maelestrom of discussion the likes of which only the latest Batman incarnation can rival.

So, in that vein, (and to celebrate finding a photo that put two favorite things together – Camaros and Batman), we present a poll:

Should you wash your engine bay with a hose?

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Got tips for keeping your engine clean and shiny? Let us know (and prepare to defend your position) in the comments.

Andreanna Ditton is the Editorial Director for the Internet Auto Communities and Auto Classifieds groups. She has worked as an editor, managing editor and moto-journalist for more than a decade, specifically focused on the enthusiast race and performance communities, and has a passion for Ford Broncos, Shelby Cobras and tiny British sportscars that she's far too tall for.

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