CTS-V Spins Wide Donuts and Rips Up the Asphalt

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CTS-V Donuts

Back in the day the Cadillac was a car for the old, prosperous, or naive. It was associated more with luxury and status than with anything near the realm of performance.

People would buy them just because they could, disregarding cost and even looks to drive what could be called a status symbol.

However, that was the past. Nowadays Cadillac has taken on bigger pursuits involving the creation of high-powered luxury performance vehicles, with the sharp and curving lines to attract many buyers.

Oh, and they have succeeded. This video shows a guy having a good time spinning some wide — and fine — donuts in his CTS-V. The tires squealing is always a sure sign of fun, and the tire smoke is another.

Judging by are the skid marks on the road, we wouldn’t say it was their first time doing this either!

Check out the video below and enjoy watching this CTS-V rip up the asphalt!

Make some donuts in the forum.>>

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