Drag Race Monday: CTS-V and Boss 302 Hit the Strip

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No one will actually be cross shopping these two cars. The Mustang is a inexpensive brute and Cadillac’s CTS-V fulfills the need for speed in those with slightly more expensive tastes.

But here’s the thing.

One day, some guy in a CTS-V is going to roll up against a Boss 302 at a red light. Any Mustang owner who cares about cars at all will recognize the Caddy for what it is. The thought that’s going to run through both of their heads is, “I wonder if I can beat this guy in a race?” When the light turns green… You’d want to have an idea of the outcome.

This video is the answer to that question. Well. This video is the likely answer to that question. The truth is you can never really know what to expect.

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