General Motors Halts C8 Corvette Orders Due to Extreme Demand

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C8 Corvette High

Planned on putting your name down for a mid-engine C8 Corvette? Well, you missed your chance—for now. 

Automotive news as of late has been heartbreaking for quite a while now. Manufacturers have ceased production in order to send their employees home, highly anticipated reveals have been postponed, and several events have been cancelled. And now, to put the icing on the sad-cake, GM now announced that they’re no longer taking orders for the esteemed C8 Corvette. Interestingly enough, though, this decision has nothing to do with the outbreak of COVID-19.

According to an email to Chevrolet dealerships posted by a member of our sister site Corvette Forum, GM made this difficult decision as result of “too many orders.” Which shouldn’t be at all surprising, considering this is a Corvette Zora Arkus-Duntov spent his entire life trying to persuade GM to produce.

Business Insider‘s Alanis King notes that GM was simply overwhelmed by the sheer demand for the newer, faster, and redesigned ‘Vette. GM confirmed to BI that the email to dealerships was real, though all hope is not lost. Thankfully, GM says that orders aren’t permanently closed. It’s just to allow GM the chance to catch up.

2020 Chevrolet Corvette at VIR

“Due to an overwhelming response to the all-new 2020 Corvette and avoid false customer expectations, it will be necessary to suspend the ability to create a sold order (SRE) beginning March 12, 2020″ GM’s email reads. “This does not prevent you from processing existing sold orders within allocation, not creating and processing a normal stock order (TRE).”

Though, in order to give other people a chance to enjoy the Corvette that took GM literally decades to develop, ordering will be available to eager buyers in May.

“Chevrolet plans to deploy 2021 Corvette Ordering Capability in Order WorkBench 30 days earlier than planned, on May 21, 2020,” states the email. “The purpose is advancing the 2021 Model Year ordering is to enable you and your existing customer to create a replacement 2021 Model Year order.”

C8 Z06 ZR1

While the news is bad for those who were putting off the act of ordering, at least one could take solace in the fact that the C8 Corvette isn’t unavailable forever. Ready and willing buyers, your time is coming – just a little bit longer!

Photos: Chevy Media Site

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Before she was old enough to go to school, Kristen Finley spent a majority of her childhood rebuilding rusted Chevy Novas with her dad. Once high school and college came around, she was still actively rebuilding cars, though she found out she had a second greatest love: writing and photography.

Now, in her last year of college, she's pursuing a bachelor's in Journalism and Media Studies from California State University, Monterey Bay after receiving her AA in Communications. She has been writing for three years, and as her school newspaper's automotive expert, she started and solely maintained the weekly automotive section detailing posts on car care, safety tips, features, and news. She covers stories for Mustang Forums, Dodge Forum, JK-Forum and more.

Finley can be contacted at

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