KITT Firebird Goes All Mad Max

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I’m going to make a big claim, most of you won’t agree with me, but I don’t care. The F-Body cars are some of the coolest cars GM ever produced. Sure, they were big, didn’t have a whole lot of performance, and felt about as squishy as sumo wrestler, but they had character and a presence that demanded attention and respect. Maybe not now, but they once did. And of all those F-Body cars, one actually became a movie star thanks to a little show called Knightrider.

KITT, or the Firebird that played KITT was an F-Body that could talk, fly, SCUBA, and do about a billion other things. KITT was the Swiss Army knife that helped David Hasselhoff out of the jams he’d get himself into. Nevertheless, it has been a long time since we’ve seen KITT, and times have changed, and so has technology. Would KITT now be the new Corvette? Or would it be the new Camaro? We’ll never know, thankfully, but one designer decided to take it upon themselves and design an updated KITT. However, it isn’t the major update you’d think of.

Using the same F-Body Firebird platform, Yasid Design’s created this amazing looking, Trans-Am racing inspired rendering that I’d like to lick. It features big fender flares, a front and rear wing, and NASCAR style wheels that give it ten times the presence it used to have. KITT looks properly mean; definitely mean enough to scare away any bad guys that come into the Hoff’s path.

What do you guys think though? Is it a modern interpretation of KITT, or would you have liked to have seen a new car used as the basis? Personally, I’m currently shouting shut up and take my money.

Chime in with your thoughts on the forum. >>

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