LSX Willys vs. 1000 HP Nissan GT-R is No Contest

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Who wants to visit our favorite LSX-powered Willys Jeep? In this totally not legal, late night drag down a public road the LSX Jeep is sitting next to a GT-R that supposedly has more than 1000 horsepower. If there was ever a car that stood a challenge to the mighty Willys, it would be this.

Of course as the dust settles, it looks like it is the Jeep that still demanded the win. Maybe next time, Godzilla.

Of course, we do need to stress, yet again, that as cool as this may be to watch, we do not condone this type of activity. Street racing is dangerous, stupid and it takes lives. At least the hooligans in the Jeep are smart enough to wear helmets, lest their heads go splat if they fell out of the big Willys at speed.

Hit that play button and spend the next 17 seconds watching a modern supercar get destroyed by technology from the 1940s.


Christian Moe has been a professional automotive journalist for over seven years and has reviewed and written about Lexus luxury cars, Corvettes and more for some of the top publications in the world, including Road & Track. Currently, he contributes to many of Internet Brands' Auto Group blogs, including Corvette Forum, Club Lexus and Rennlist.

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