Watch a Spectacular Mopar Epic Fail Video

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Sometimes, and I stress this, sometimes, muscle cars can be too powerful for their own good. You all undoubtedly remember the guy who stuffed his new Hellcat into a wall an hour after he picked it up.

And, I myself had a lovely issues earlier this week with an 800 horsepower Mustang that decided it didn’t like it’s serpentine belt any longer. But what happens when you just put entire too much power to the road and your parts just fail spectacularly. Well, you get this next video.

In the video below, you see what appears to be a Mopar taking off from a light, heavy on the gas, when…well, things go wrong quickly. Watch.

Yeah, that looks as if he either broke parts of the subframe off due to the torque, or he forgot to put a set of bolts in the rear end and just decided to go take the car for a drive.

Either way, the car is catastrophically wrecked and this video will live on YouTube to haunt the owner for the rest of their lives.

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