Ralph Gilles Spills The Beans: Dodge NASCAR Re-Entry Probable

Ralph Gilles Spills The Beans: Dodge NASCAR Re-Entry Probable

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The rumor mill has been churning for months about Dodge’s possible return to NASCAR, with everyone from Richard Childress to Earnhardt-Gnassi Racing being pointed to as possible 2014 Dodge partners. But this time, the nod has come directly from SRT chief and all-round Mopar rock star Ralph Gilles, who allegedly blabbed to Allpar writer Ray Alexander that Chrysler has approved funding to field one or more teams in NASCAR’s top series. Last time he was questioned about NASCAR by Allpar, Gilles emphatically refused to say anything about it. So does his admission represent a breakthrough? At the very least, it’s the first time a Chrysler official has said anything decisive about a potential NASCAR re-entry. Let’s hope it’s the real deal, because the sport has suffered since Dodge’s departure, and it would be a crying shame if that Sprint Cup Charger prototype, the baddest looking of the Gen 6 cars, never got to run a competitive lap. Oh and Dodge, didn’t it sting a little bit that reigning champion Brad Keselowski, who won the Sprint Cup last year behind the wheel of a Charger, had to roll up onto the White House lawn in his new Ford ride for his Presidential visit last week? That’s right, Dodge: step up. Stay tuned for more!

[Update: Allpar has dialed back their claims about 2014 funding, clarifying that Ralph’s comments apparently pertained to the current season and suggesting that Dodge was ready to field a team for 2013 had they been able to secure a team at that time. While the jury is still out on Dodge’s 2014 plans, the ongoing secret talks with team owners and theirĀ  heavy marketing presence at NASCAR events suggest that their return to stock car racing continues to be highly likely].

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