T-Tops or Hardtop? Which do you prefer and why?

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I recently came across a thread where a forum member was asking if they should cut their hardtop Camaro and transform it into a T-top car and it got me thinking, which do I prefer. In all honesty my ’01 SS is a T-top car but the T-tops have never been out…I’m the second owner and the PO never took them out either. Call me crazy, but I never think about it. I don’t drive it near enough, but when I do, I enjoy it so much that I never think to pop them out. One of these days I will.
Those with T-tops, do you take them out? Do you like them? How about you hardtop owners, do you prefer the smooth roof to the T-top cars? If so, why?
I can go either way; I like a full-boat T-top car, but the thought of a stripped down hardtop car is also pretty cool.
Here’s the thread:

Forum member SSsoSIK's T-top equipped Camaro is oh so clean.

Forum member SSsoSIK’s T-top equipped Camaro is oh so clean.

Here's forum member Kwiker's super clean Firehawk hardtop.

Here’s forum member Kwiker’s super clean Firebird Formula hardtop.

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