This is Not a Honda Civic

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For years, the humble Honda Civic has been the butt of many jokes. It’s been the laughing stock of the performance world. It’s homely exterior, combined with its pokey little engine, and FWD made it a car that teenagers love, but for real performance people, the Civic is a joke. This Civic however, is no joke.

We’re not really sure you could call it a Civic anymore though. It’s been through a fairly extensive transformative experience. This Civic now runs 7 second quarter miles. It’s engine has been swapped for a 434 cubic inch V8 helped along by a pair of Precision 76mm turbos. It’s also running a two-speed Powerglide transmission. All of which makes for an eager car to drive. Oh, did we forget to mention, this Civic makes 1,000 horsepower and only weighs 2,300 lbs. So yeah, this isn’t really a Civic anymore.

So does this Civic finally make the cut? Or is it just too insane and no longer a Honda?

Chime in with your thoughts on the forum. >>

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