Watch this Z06 Chase a ZL1 on the Circuit of the Americas

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In general, American’s don’t really care that much for Formula 1. In part, that’s probably because they don’t really race in the states any more. Earlier this year, however, Formula 1 made it’s grand return to states at the brand spanking new Circuit of the Americas in Austin, Texas. Now… I’m not sure you can have a race track name “Circuit of the Americas” without having a Corvette on it at some point. They’ve seen to that minor oversight in this video.

The camera car is a Corvette Z06. The car in front is a Camaro ZL1. You can probably guess what happens next. Also, this is probably a good chance to see what the Circuit of the Americas looks like from behind the wheel. The track itself is pretty cool too. I suggest this video even if you don’t care about the Z06 or the ZL1 (who are you?!).

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