WTF You Can Buy This Trans Am Now for $3.6 Million

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I feel like I need to make this clear at the beginning of this article, I do not judge other peoples’ fandoms or modifications. The world really needs more enthusiasts and while we all might not have the same taste, we can still appreciate each other and what we bring to the overall community.

That being said, what the heck is going on with this Trans Am?


What you’re looking at is a 2002 Pontiac Trans Am that’s for sale for approximately $3.6 million dollars. That’s right, three point six million dollars. For a 2002 Pontiac Trans Am.

But what makes this TA so “special?” The car uses gold leaf, rhinestones, and chrome extensively throughout the vehicle. Yes, someone painted their car and added gold leaf to the paint, which I’m sure wasn’t inexpensive.


I’m sure that when you look at this car, you’re thinking to yourself, “why?” But what I really don’t understand, specifically, is what is going on under the hood of the car. There’s eagles, which I guess I understand being an American car, but then there are dolphins, too.

No American car modification would be complete without the obligatory Lamborghini doors.


Let me reiterate, you can buy this car. It’s for sale. For $3.5 million dollars at today’s exchange rate. WTF?

What do you think? Let us know in the forums!

via [Carscoops]

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