Cheapest Bumper cover for 04-07 V?? FACTORY OR EQUAL QUALITY..
Cheapest Bumper cover for 04-07 V?? FACTORY OR EQUAL QUALITY..
Kinda thinking i need to pony up and buy a new cover.. about to get my cowl hood painted and have some minor flaws cleaned up, but my cover is bent and sags not terrible but i want that new tight feeling lol anyone know where theres a deal on a Minty new one????
Do a search **** tard. My post on this very same thing is just a few threads down. No one is selling a perfect used one... I looked for months. U want OEM and perfect... Call the dealer and pay the price. Or... Buy the reconditioned OEM ones they offer for $400-$450. Those are the only two options. If u buy an aftermarket cover, I'll have Liz slap the **** outta you. Lol