August car show in MD
August car show in MD
Hey guys this is our second year putting this show on for our late friend Matt Williquette. He was in the process of putting his LS powered miata together when he passed so he was an active member of tech. This show benefits the scholarship we set up in his honor at the Montgomery College Rockville campus for the automotive tech department. Him and I both attended classes there they have a great program and help a lot of kids learn a trade they're passionate about. The show is on August 10th in Poolesville MD. We are really looking for a great turnout and would love to see more LS cars come out. Here is a flyer for the show it's appropriate for all ages so bring the family out!
Bump show is this Sunday hope to see as many of you that can make it out there! The proceeds all benefit the scholarship we set up in out fallen car brothers name so please come help support a local cause! Message me for any details!