cant figure out this problem
cant figure out this problem
sometimes my car wont start. ill hear the click click from the starter. If i get out and rock the car a bit, it will start? People told me gm starters are notorious for starting after like hitting them or shaking them around a bit? do you guys think this is a starter issue or some bad ground?
It is probably the solinoid which is built into or onto your starter, or the connections to it. I would try cleaning the connections first by taking off the wires and hitting them with some fine sand paper. Before you put them back on coat them with some vasaline or electrical contact protectant. When you bang a GM starter what you actually are getting to work is the solinoid. The fact that you rocked your car and it started is probably just a coincidence. It is more likely the wires warm up and made better contact. Hope this helps, John.