Summit X Pipe Kits
Summit X Pipe Kits
Does anyone have pictures of them being used? I was just wanting to do them myself and was wondering if anyone had used them and how much work went into fabbin them to fit the F Body. Pics are appreciated. Thanks
I can atest that it IS a lot of work, I just did it. Passenger side is fine. No fabing needed. Drivers you need to come off the collector, swiver pipe down, then once its passed the bump, swivel it back up. I ended up finishing and the mufflers where way to low. But my car is lowered 2 inches. To fix it, id need to cut the pipe right before the drivers muffler, angle it uip a little, and then level it back out to bring that muffler up more. They also wont come with slip fit collector pieces. The pipe is 3 inch O.D. all the way till the end. Without a welder there is NO WAY this system will work.