2000 SS 6 speed speed sensor fix?
2000 SS 6 speed speed sensor fix?
Im currently on the market for a 2000 ss 6 speed and according to the guy everything works ecept the vss so i was wondering how do you fix this on a 6 speed?
Sorry for any grammer mistakes im on my android phone
Sorry for any grammer mistakes im on my android phone
Not really sure on the six speeds the autos are mounted in the tailshaft housing on the back of the tranny. I would assume the six speed cars are similar but never had an experience with one. As far as the diagnostics you should ne able to block the car up in the rear on jackstands and measure voltage from the sensor with the car in drive that increases with speed would be easier with a scan tool. Make damn sure the car is secured well on the jackstands it would suck to have it fall off and go driving through your facility because of a halfasses blocking job