Pressure plate ?
Pressure plate ?
Clutch guy's. If you put a straight edge on the face of a pressure plate and it made contact on the outer edges but you could fit a .009 feeler gauge on the inner edge would it ever last? And if it did last would it even make contact on the inner edge?
generally most machine shops don't. I have heard and seen pictures of people who have but every shop I contacted locally said they don't do them.
contact the PP manufacturer about your finding. "MAYBE" it becomes flat once PP is depressed
FWIW I measured a spare used PP for my LT1, same as you. the inside is lower....but wear pattern on it, disc and FW is even
contact the PP manufacturer about your finding. "MAYBE" it becomes flat once PP is depressed
FWIW I measured a spare used PP for my LT1, same as you. the inside is lower....but wear pattern on it, disc and FW is even