Is bogging bad?
Is bogging bad?
I am kind of new a driving a shift and nearly everytime i takeoff from a dead stop it will bogg a little because i am afraid of slipping the clutch. i just didn't know if this was doing some kind of damage.
Slipping will stress it more then bogging but then again, how bad does it bog. Some clutches like Spec 3 and upwards do NOT like slippin. I personally tach up the rpms a little, let the clutch out quick and roll the throttle and seems to work fine on my new Textralia clutch.
I have a spec 3+ on my car and unless I'm trying to be really quiet I just raise the rpms to about 2k right as I start to let out my foot. You can feel the clutch "catch" without slipping much and the car bogs down to about 1100rpm which is 200 over idle for me. As long as I keep accelerating fairly smoothly it doesn't try to do the "cam hop." A lot of it is going to depend on how well your car drives. I assume yours is fairly tame in which case you shouldn't have a problem.