Pilot Bearing Tool???
Pilot Bearing Tool???
What is the best tool to use to remove the pilot bearing? Alot of people on here seem to be using a blind-hole puller or a slide hammer instead of a bearing puller. Why is this? Is it b/c there isn't enough material on the bearing to grab with the bearing puller? I'm curious b/c I'm getting ready to swap clutchs and I don't want to have to run back and forth to Autozone for tools.
From what I've seen, the blind hole puller seems to have small enough collets to get inside the bearing to pull on the backside. The pilot bearing pullers (like the kind from Harbor Freight) have arms that are too big to get inside the pilot.
i used just a regular pilot puller from auto. they had the best one out of all the stores i went it was around $31.00 tax included and i pulled the bearing out first then the then the housing or what ever you call it. It took a few times but came out pretty easy. Plus that is renting the tool wants your done you have 45 days to take it back and get your money back. Hope this helped. ps my first bearing was completly shot and I still got it out with the pilot beating puller and its the cheapest tool for it. I also had no luck with the grease and bolt trick or whatever else they say