Hmmm . . . Some help please ...
Hmmm . . . Some help please ...
Ok so I have had my 5177 kit hooked up for quite some time, I just don't use it that much. So I decided to fill up my bottle earlier this week and I cant get the damn thing to work anymore! I have modded the car since I originally installed the kit ... I'm thinking the FPSS could have gotten messed up when I switched intakes so a few quick q's. 1) Can the FPSS switch's connections be switched? Ex. Hooking up the spade terminals backwards? 2) It might have gotten mis-adjusted when I swapped intakes so how can I bypass it to go try and see if it is in fact the culprit. Thanks guys, by the way the window, wot, and noids are all good and there's no prob. with bottle pressure here .. . . can you say 1300 after sitting out in the lot all day