Order's on its way, installing this weekend!
Originally Posted by 02Z28LS1
for country music, i change the station!
Thanks for the advice on the gain. And man I see what you were saying about sound deadening. Not that I didn't believe you to begin with, but I didn't see where I could squeeze it into my already stretched budget. If I come across some spare change though, I'll definately rip into all that again and sound deaden the car heh. My stereo sounds like a million bucks with the key in ACC mode or while I'm just sitting, but once I start driving... man, I always thought my car was quiet but I guess I never really noticed how loud it is. I guess I've always just compared it to my parents' old rickety volvo that's super noisy heh.
Also on a slightly unrelated note, great news! Turns out I AM a master of audio (hehe), because I got tired of having no sound on my computer and unscrewed my Klipsch sub to see if I saw anything visibly wrong. After all it said "Do not open, no user servicible parts inside" and I had no idea what was gonna be in there anyway. After looking around I noticed a wire unconnected, so I reconected it which caused a spark (even though power was unplugged heh), and then plugged everything back in. Works! And as much as I've put into my wonderful car stereo lately, I still probably value my computer sound a bit more. After all I'm at my computer more often than I drive heh.
Other great news! I found a digital camera! Expect pics soon. =)