where to mount
behind the kickpanels is a good place.
i put mine here:
the crossovers are just velcro'd down.
the only reason i didnt put them behind the kickpanels when i put all my stereo stuff in was because i mounted my ipod reciever under the passenger side kick. i also wanted it to be relatively easy to get to them in case i needed to troubleshoot a speaker or a xover.
years back i tried mounting the crossovers in the doors, but it was really hard on the solderjoints with all the banging and impact they get subjected too. then again i had baseline soundstream components, and those xovers sucked to begin with.
i put mine here:
the crossovers are just velcro'd down.
the only reason i didnt put them behind the kickpanels when i put all my stereo stuff in was because i mounted my ipod reciever under the passenger side kick. i also wanted it to be relatively easy to get to them in case i needed to troubleshoot a speaker or a xover.
years back i tried mounting the crossovers in the doors, but it was really hard on the solderjoints with all the banging and impact they get subjected too. then again i had baseline soundstream components, and those xovers sucked to begin with.