Camaro Chased by Cops After Making Donuts

Camaro Chased by Cops After Making Donuts

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5th Generation Camaro Spins Donuts

Spinning donuts is a fairly common pastime to many of the members of the performance car world. Though somewhat costly, one cannot deny that it brings a certain amount of pure enjoyment and pleasure when you spin in circle with your engine roaring and smoke filling the air.

However, there are always certain precautions you should take when preparing to leave skid marks on the asphalt. The first, and arguably most important, of these rules is to make sure that the police aren’t patrolling nearby.

Clearly, the driver of this fifth generation Camaro didn’t really listen to this rule.

The driver gets in one solid donut and then on his second flashing lights appear in the background. The sirens are visible quite clearly in the video, and it should come as no surprise that the second that the driver sees them he abandons his quest to perform the second spin. Instead, he takes off running, with clear hopes to escape being caught.

Of course, the cop follows him. We don’t know whether or not he got away, but it’s fun to speculate about how the proceeding moments went down. Go ahead and watch the video and enjoy the show.

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