Duluth Trading Co. Clothing

Duluth Trading Co. Clothing

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Duluth Trading Co. Clothing

Duluth Trading Co. Clothing
$19.50 to $74.50
Duluth makes some of the toughest clothing around—but it’s all geared for comfort. The patented Crotch Gusset in the Fire Hose Work Pants let dudes crouch without pinching their junk; the Free Swinging Flannel is designed for warmth and easy movement; and the Longtail T prevents plumbers crack. Your guy—and everyone else—will thank you.

Andreanna Ditton is the Editorial Director for the Internet Auto Communities and Auto Classifieds groups. She has worked as an editor, managing editor and moto-journalist for more than a decade, specifically focused on the enthusiast race and performance communities, and has a passion for Ford Broncos, Shelby Cobras and tiny British sportscars that she's far too tall for.

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