2016 Cadillac CTS-V Decimates Rear Tires

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Q: What happens when you attempt to channel 640 horsepower through the rear tires?

A: Fun.


Unleashing the fury of the supercharged LT4 V8 engine is difficult to do in public spaces, 5 seconds of fun could result in jail time. Until those anti-American/anti-Freedom laws are repealed, the best place to to destroy tires is a private track, or in this case, an airfield. Watch the new Cadillac CTS-V slide, spin and burnout in these euphoric next 84 seconds of your life.

Jake Stumph is a lifelong car enthusiast and racer, and former content editor for Internet Brands Automotive which he joined in 2015. His work has been featured by several other prominent automotive outlets, including Jalopnik and Autobytel.

He obtained a bachelor's degree in Political Science at the Ohio State University in 2013, then pivoted from covering politics and policy to writing about his automotive adventures, something that, he says, is a lot more fun. Since that time, he has established connections with most of the world's major automakers, as well as other key brands in the automotive industry.

He enjoys track days, drifting, and autocross, at least, when his cars are running right, which is uncommon.

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