Camaro Tries to Out Run the Cops. FAILS

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Why is it that people don’t think while driving a car? Seriously, you are piloting something with others around you, you not only put your life in danger, but theirs too. This is only compounded when someone attempts to evade the police. It never works, and usually ends up with far worse penalties than just sticking around and acquiescing to the instructions of the officer. Or worse still, you could kill someone else, thereby insuring that you do hard time. That’s why this next video is so ridiculous.

In a real-life situation of Grand Theft Auto, The Seattle Police Department released the dash cam footage of what can only be described as someone completely off their rocker attempting to run and try to kill everyone around. The car of choice of this would be GTA criminal, a 5th generation Camaro.

The officers chase the suspect through city and residential streets, hitting the Camaro hard near an intersection, yet the Camaro keeps on going. As the chase continues, it’s easy to see that the Camaro is ready to just die, but somehow the car continues on, sliding all over the place. Finally, the police put the Camaro driver into a box, and stop the driver right then and there.

Or so you think. The Camaro, now completely thrashed, spilling fluids, with cops surrounding it, for some unknown reason, continues to try and run. At this point, police have no other course of action, but to shoot at the car and attempt to stop it permanently before others could be injured.

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