Corvette Sinkhole ZR1 Saved

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Way back in February, a sink hole appeared underneath the floor of the historic Corvette Museum and began swallowing cars whole. It almost looked like some elaborate hoax for a while, with people speculating that the cars shown to be swallowed looked a lot like Matchbox cars. But then, it was found out to be true and many of us wept at the sight of our beloved cars just sitting there at the bottom of a gaping hole.


Thankfully, the museum decided to restore three of the eight cars recovered from the sink hole, and this beautiful 2009 Corvette ZR1 is the first to be shown off.

When it went into the workshop after being lifted out, the ZR1 had pretty much seen a battlefront. Almost every single body panel was cracked, the windshield was broken, the front driver’s side control arms, along with the oil lines and other parts of the engine were completely broken.


Even with all that damage, after being rescued from the pit, the ‘Vette fired up and drove out under its own power. How you might ask? Because that engine is tough as nails and ridiculous to boot.

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