Buy This Fiero Race Car Before Someone Else Does!

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An interesting and somewhat mysterious sales ad has popped up in the San Diego Craigslist. It advertises a… ready? Pontiac Fiero race car.

Yup. San Diegoans can call dibs on this midget racer before any out-of-towners come in and swoop the car from its owner. Unfortunately the ad doesn’t include much information regarding the Fiero’s transformation from street car to race car, and there’s only one photo as well.

The Fiero’s original engine has been replaced with none other than an LS3 V8 that undoubtedly makes more horsepower and torque than its predecessor. Also, the original transmission has been swapped out for a 5-speed manual. Transmission model, horsepower and torque figures, and many other details are left unknown, which is weird.


Perhaps the owner wants you to check it out in real life instead of just online… so he can murder you. Who knows?

Check out the listing here.

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Photo via: [Craigslist]

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