Haven’t You Always Wanted to Be a Reality Star?

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Think you’ve got what it takes to host your own television show? Have you been dying to embarrass your kids, your folks and your spouse on a whole ‘nother level? Do you know more than anyone else wants to know about makes, models, parts, not to mention how to fix that piece that just fell off your nephews “newest” ride? Do you record yourself and your buddies doing stupid stuff on YouTube? Well, if you’ve answered yes to any of the above and you’re lucky enough to have a face for TV (reality TV, that is) then today could be your lucky day! A new reality show is in the works and on the look-out for engaging, entertaining personalities with a passion for finding/selling/fixing used cars and ferreting out great deals.

Here’s the casting call:

DO YOU LOVE CARS? Seeking men and woman of all ages and types with big, energetic personalities who love cars and have a great knowledge about makes and models.

Filming begins this Spring and will be based in New York, New Jersey, Connecticut and the greater New England area.

If this is you or someone you know, send an email with your name, contact information, picture, and any relevant automotive experience to Rob@Concentricentertainment.com.

Don’t miss out on your chance to become America’s Next Top Used-Car Enthusiast (please don’t sue me, Tyra!)

(LS1tech.com is just the vehicle for this info, folks, so don’t call us about your audition tape, your head shot, or the quickest way to get an agent in South Dakota. As they used to say, “Ve Know Nutting.”)

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