LS9-Powered, 1244 HP Hennessey Venom GT Sets World Record: Fastest Car to 300 kph

LS9-Powered, 1244 HP Hennessey Venom GT Sets World Record: Fastest Car to 300 kph

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The Hennessey Venom GT has long be touted as the fastest production car in the world and now that the first examples are into production we’re finally able to see what they’re made of. Lets be honest, a Bugatti Veyron doesn’t have enough and even some of the fieriest aftermarket cars like the infamous UGR TT Lambos might have a run on their hands. Why? Because the Venom GT packs an LS9 with twin turbos that churns out 1244 hp. But the real kicker, it only weighs 2,743 pounds!

Although the Guinness Book of World Records doesn’t use mph for testing, rather kph, the Venom GT just shattered the 0-300 kph record. The previous record holder, the Koenigsegg Agera R, completed the run in 14.43 seconds. As for the Venom GT, it completed the sprint in just 13.63 seconds. For those counting, 300 kph is roughly 186 mph.
As further proof the Venom GT is the real deal, Hennessey recorded some 0-230 mph testing seen here with Jay Leno behind the wheel.

Sure Hennessey is traditionally associated with Dodge Vipers, but they’re also well versed with LS motors. For the full spec sheet and more info on the beast, checkout the Hennessey site here:

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