LSV12 is the Most Awesome Thing You’ll See All Day

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LSV12 (2)

There has beenĀ a lot of incredible stuff to come out of these forums… But this one might be my favorite.

Leave it to LS1Tech to find a way to turn the LS into a v12 motor. The guy responsible is V12 Baker. You can follow the full thread in the forum here.

How’d they do it? Well, the simple answer is hot-weld-everything-together. But of course, V12Baker doesn’t delve too deeply into the actual process for welding. Trade secret and all that. Still, he goes into enough detail for us to be sure this isn’t a trick of the eyes or an April Fools joke.

As they have it here, the engine displaces 8.9 liters. I’m just going to go ahead and assume it’ll make enough power to restart a dead star, and enough noise to make a volcano feel shy. Just a hunch.

Awesomely, this isn’t the first time they’ve built one of these. The last time the engine went in 3/4th scale P-51 Mustang. This time though, the plan is to stick it in one of these:

A 2300 lb coupe with 8.9 liters of LS thunder? I. Can’t. Wait. Jump to the thread here!

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