Momkhana Video Features the Coolest LS3 Swap Ever

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Gymkhana, it’s a word that’s been forced into our modern automotive lexicon due to the exploits of one man, Ken Block.

He’s taken the world by storm with his hugely successful Gymkhana series of films, and has made GoPro a mint by using them in every single shoot.

However, it’s come to a point where, there’s not much room in where these videos can go. How do you up the ante, when the bar is set so high? Easy, give the keys to your mom.


This video may be a bit old, but it’s still awesome, and maybe hints where Ken Block should go next. In the video, a mom is just out with her kids, driving the family minivan. Or is she?

From the start of the video, you know something is up due to the fact that this minivan for some reason has 5-point racing harnesses and a race helmet in the front seat. Something is definitely up.


Then, all hell breaks loose thanks to a 550 horsepower LS3 powering the rear wheels and Momkhana begins. If I would ever get a minivan, and I’m most certainly am not, this is definitely the minivan to get.

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