Schwarzenegger Celebrates Green Cars by Blowing Up a Caddy

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Arnold Schwarzenegger has been an action star for countless years. He’s starred in the Terminator, and a thousand other action movies that have made him a hot commodity.

But according to Schwarzenegger himself, his most proud achievement was when he was Governor of California and pushing through green bills to help California’s environment.


And this week, the California Senate, and Governor just leapt over a major hurdle in helping more green vehicles come to the drought ridden state. And to say congratulations to the rest of the California government, Schwarzenegger made a little video of his thanks and congratulations.

However, the best part of the video comes at the end when Schwarzenegger begins to talk about the campaign to get rid of older, less green cars off the road and how undoubtedly the Californian government will show some type of car being crushed.

But to put his own spin on getting rid of bad cars, Schwarzenegger has a different approach. A rocket launcher. Watch.

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