This is What a $115,000 Corvette Window Tint Looks Like!

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If you’ve ever wondered what the world’s most expensive window tint job looks like, all you have to do is watch this video of  a limited edition Corvette C7 R smashed to pieces.

Yup, you read that right. According to “The Houston Chronicle”, the lucky and temporary owner of this Corvette had purchased the vehicle earlier that day, but then made the decision to have the windows tinted before taking full delivery and driving it home.

As you can see, there are no windows left, and he most definitely won’t be driving it home. That’s because a dealership employee decided to go for a joy ride in the 650 horsepower speed demon, which pays tribute to the almighty C7R LeMans Racer, and he not only crashed it, but barrel rolled it into incoming traffic.

It’s safe to say such employee is no longer an actual employee, and the brief owner of the Corvette is most likely extremely pissed. Wouldn’t you?

Be safe out there!

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