New 15% Tint!
Originally Posted by Cobra2WS6
Guy sanded mine as well... nothing else and looks perfect
Any idea on how to get shitty turning purple tint off the back window other than a ballbat and new glass? "lifetime" tint has turned purple and you can barely see out from the inside, outside hasnt started showing through yet, but its a matter of time. any ideas? sorry to threadjack. Tint looks ******* kick *** by the way!
Originally Posted by SupermanSS
Any idea on how to get shitty turning purple tint off the back window other than a ballbat and new glass? "lifetime" tint has turned purple and you can barely see out from the inside, outside hasnt started showing through yet, but its a matter of time. any ideas?
Sounds like you were cleaning the tint with the wrong kind of cleaner. You always want to make sure you use an ammonia free window cleaner, otherwise it will cause discoloration. If you were using the right stuff and it turned purple, something isn't right with it. Most warranties on film(good film)will cover discoloration. They will probably try to say you used the wrong type of cleaner.
On topic... that is a damn nice tint job! One of the best I've seen.
don't go to a **** shop to get tints.
Originally Posted by SixReasons
damn is 15% legal?!?!?
I sat right next to my car with some brewskis while the guy at the tint shop was putting tints on the ride. The back is one peice that was cut out before being applied to the glass. He cleaned the glass then sprayed water on it which was then squeegied out from beneath the film. I have no gap in the edges of the front windows because he cut the edges freehand instead of using that tool they have that runs along the edges and cuts the tint.
Best $180 i have spent.
Limo tint all around, 2 years and no tickets, and I live in chicago suburbs where any tint on front windows is illegal.
Originally Posted by razorclaw99
that looks really good but be careful. I would drive around with my windows down and still got 2 tickets..f'kin bs..
The tint looks good, where'd you take it to?