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GM "Repays" Gov Loan 5 Years Ahead of Schedule

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Old 04-11-2012, 11:33 PM
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Originally Posted by Latch
Okay Itllrun, we get it. You hate unions. You hate GM. You hate Democrats. You have NO facts to back up anything you say, you have your own outdated, backwards ideology and some YouTube videos of union members being ******. And yet when I post a video of right-wingers acting like fools you say they're "plants." Give. Me. A. *******. Break. I can no longer sustain an argument with someone who has no interest in rational discussion. It's like arguing with a child.
Your big problem is that you DON'T get it. I'm convinced at this point, you're simply incapable.

You attack me because you simply DO NOT KNOW HOW to debate the issue! You've only been taught "this is right" and they forgot to teach that there is also a wrong AND how to defend what's right... Which leaves you at a total, utter, complete loss.

I have no need to further explain my feelings about unions. I grew up attached to one, so I understand their line of "progressive thought" and I disagree because I already know that NOT everyone can have it all. Somehow, union reps insist on more each time to the table. I'm all done with idiots like that.

You've foolishly accused me of hating GM twice now and, since you claim that I have no facts(all my links of VIDEO PROOF be damned all to Hell), why don't you show some? ANY would be a great start. So far, it's all been your personal inexperienced opinion. Add some truth that's REALLY true! I don't care what you think here. What is it you KNOW?

I don't hate Democrats. I think the majority are great people. Most seem terribly misguided, but they're usually nice. Of course, I've never been attacked at a rally...

What I kinda sorta DO hate is... ignorance and stupidity, especially the stupidity that's "earned" by those who fall in line with even the more ridiculously stupid left-wing claims... like Republicans want you to die if you can't manage your money or if you get sick... That's Darwin award stuff. I'm not a Republican, but I still know better than to believe that nonsense. Anyone who doesn't simply deserves what bad comes their way.

I have no facts? Liar. I brought video proof and you brought an audio tape. I offered 5 incidents and there are HUNDREDS more from my viewpoint. You added 1 video and the part you were trying to point out was only audio and you can't find another... Your argument has been crushed, as anyone paying attention has known since you started this mess.

You added a video of Right wingers being what? Oh yeah... AUDIO RECORDED... That sure looked like they were going nuts from here... They ALMOST got up outta their seats, huh??? Wouldn't wanna see the aftermath of THAT!

Keep in mind, Ron Paul DID answer... He didn't say let anyone die. He said what any thinking man would... Advise the young man to have insurance, which was ignored in that scenario... Oh well... CHOICES, my boy... CHOICES!

As for my saying they're "plants," that's simply an outright lie from a left-wing loon... YOU! You've made it up. I suggested that the ONE, not the 10,000 as we see from the left-wing IDIOTS of America, but the ONE who shouted "Let'em die!" or whatever... may have been a plant. We know for sure that the left has planted people into the TEA PARTY events(they've admitted it). I also suggested, and I noticed you forgot to mention it(purposely forgot because it ruins your argument all at once) that it may have simply been 1 idiot in the crowd... I don't know and neither do you. However, I didn't tell you he's a plant... That's factually incorrect and you know it. You knew it when you wrote the response. Therefore, you are a LIAR! I have no further respect for you, not that I ever had much. Here's your problem though... Others will also see that you're a liar and a loon and many will label you even more strictly than I have. They too, will have no respect for you. You deserve none unless you change your ways and start telling the truth, even if you refuse to live the truth!

You think this is like arguing with a child? You should see MY end! I'm dealing with a liar and a fool... One who offers ZERO proof of anything aside from a single AUDIO TAPE, yet who claims 'they're acting like fools! One who thinks George Carlin is a great source for political explanation!

Here's the deal, sport... Like all other left-wing lunatics, YOU LOSE! You lose because you have the facts against you. You lose because you have no experience. You lose because you really have no idea what's going on around you, politically speaking. You lose because you believe the morons who tell you that, 'Without a bail out, America will fall!' and the like. You lose because you think people like Nancy Pelosi are leaders! You lose because, in spite of all evidence to the contrary, you still believe that "yes we can" is more than a campaign slogan! bottom line: YOU'RE A LOSER! Take care kiddo... I'll be right here laughing at you whenever you wanna try again...

Originally Posted by ss1129
George was a comedian (the best at that) that made a living off the american dream. LOL if you dont see the irony of a rich man who did it all by himself telling you the american dream is a crock of ****, then you probably need a union.

Its almost as dumb as Rage Against The Machine...saying how they hate the man. LMAO the man and America is what made them huge and rich. Thats not fashionable so thats not what they sing about. Its really a no brainer.
Seriously, I decided NOT to go there, but I admit, I thought it...

PS Your video was actually kinda cool(though it reminded me of a school program for very young students)... However, I must sadly report, I don't think the two arguing with me bothered to watch it.

Originally Posted by WhiteKnight '01
Most of your claims are all "hyberbole". Since the Tsunami did hit and destroy some Toyota plants, sure that set them back. But without the bailout GM would not be number 1 today, that's a fact.
You believe my arguments are mostly hyperbole(thank you for looking up the definition instead of asking me for it) and I say there's no way of knowing what GM's condition would be right now, lacking the bail out... You claim they wouldn't be #1 and that is, as you claim, a FACT...

Okay then... PROVE IT! Any fact can be proven, so go for it! I won't hold my breath...

Of course, you ALSO claimed that GM had repaid all it's bailout loans and I kinda smashed that theory with all my hyperbole...

Anyways, I'm done arguing with you. Go back to listening to Fox News, it's clearly where you get all your beliefs.
I have to laugh... You're just like Latch... You know you're whipped, so you wanna act like you're just letting me off the hook...

I brought video proof which anyone can view without turning to FOX NEWS... It's not my fault you never paid attention before, so don't hate the player... HATE THE GAME!
Old 04-12-2012, 04:29 PM
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has anyone mentioned how the treasury came out and said gm has not paid back their loans yet?

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