Can the 78/85mm mafs keep up w/ a 90+mm intakes?
Can the 78/85mm mafs keep up w/ a 90+mm intakes?
I've been debating on which intake setup I want next(LS6/85mm TB, Fast 92/92, or typhoon 96/96) and I can't help but wonder if the larger intake and TB setup would really help that much with the maf bottlenecking the intake track? Is a 90mm TB really going to suck in more air thought an 85mm maf than an 85mm TB? What do you guys think?
You know i'm starting to wonder if they even restrict the flow all that much. You'd think if the engine is sucking air, the air is just gonna move faster through the narrower parts of the intake tract and slower through the wider parts. I am by no means a physics/fluid dynamics guy though, i dont know **** about that ****.
It's a compressible fluid so every piece is a "soft"
choke. It's not like trying to get a golf ball through
a garden hose. Bigger is better but smaller won't
kill you. Just cost you.
choke. It's not like trying to get a golf ball through
a garden hose. Bigger is better but smaller won't
kill you. Just cost you.