Help ID GM Hot Cam
Help ID GM Hot Cam
I bought a car and pulled the cam to sell it. I was told it was a GM Hot Cam. The car did have the matching blue springs and everything else on the car was as the owner said. Can someone help me verify/ID this cam? The only markings on the cam are between the 2nd and 3rd lobe from the front:
18: 158B
18: 158B
I found a thread saying that there were two different numbers one for the cam only and one for the cam kit with valve springs that are usually scribed on the front of rear of the cam. Is there any of the hot cams that do not have these markings? Does anyone know of a cam that has markings only between the 2nd and 3rd lobe?
Sometimes its hard to tell. I sent one in for a cam dr. and got the true sheet for it. Whether it was a custom grind or not, it was 25$ well spent just to know and be able to either sell or install with peace of mind.